
The Future is Blockchain

Date: 08.06.2024
The Future is Blockchain

We attended another great event organized by our partner DLT Austria on Friday, June 7th.

Held in the pittoresque Mirabellgarten in Salzburg, one of the most beautiful towns you’ll ever see, the Blockchain Community gathered and discussed the latest trends in blockchain technology.

Anong the representatives of leading innovative Austrian enterprises of the industry, who introduced their companies in short presentations, were also some members of the crew of RockLogic.

We enjoyed the evening very much, a warm thank you to Ed and all his colleagues of DLT for organizing this great event where we had the opportunity to present RockLogic and one of its core innovations, Stereum.

The Future is Blockchain

View of Salzburg

The Future is Blockchain

Impressions of Stefan's presentation

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About DLT Austria

About Stereum